What are the technical requirements for jpeg images?
Photos that are submitted to Shutterstock must be of professional quality. We accept photo submissions in jpeg and tiff format, but strongly recommend you to upload only in jpeg format because all images are automatically converted to jpeg upon submission.
Minimum Uploading sizes All images must be at least 4MP (4 Megapixels) but preferably 5MP or larger and set at the highest quality settings to produce at minimum a 4MP image. Images that are 3.8 or 3.9MP may be upsized slightly by you so that it becomes 4MP, but do not exceed this amount as you will get quality loss from enlarging the photo too much. If your images are smaller than 3.8MP, Shutterstock cannot accept your submission. Maximum uploading sizes There are no maximum uploading sizes for jpeg images. Please keep in mind: Our requirements are in Megapixels (MP) not Megabytes (MB). You can view the Megapixel dimensions of your image by accessing the image properties or by opening the image in an image-editing program and viewing the properties there. Please always check your photos at 100% for noise and make sure the subject is focused properly before submitting. To determine the amount of pixels in a photo, multiply the pixel width by the pixel length. For example: 2000 x 2400 pixels equal 4.8 Megapixels. A photo of this size is valid. 1200 x 3000 pixels equal 3.6 Megapixels. This is smaller than our minimum size requirement, and this photo will not be accepted by our system. Super Size: The image that you submit to us will become the Large format on our website. The Super format is created for images that are 15 MP or less, so if the original image you submitted to us is over 15 MP, a Super size is not necessary and will not be made available. |
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