วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2559

How do I submit vector illustrations for review?


How do I submit vector illustrations for review?

Shutterstock is always looking for new content to add to our collection. Contributing images to Shutterstock is free and you will retain the copyright to your work.
Submitting photos to Shutterstock is simple.
User-added image
Vector illustrations that are submitted to Shutterstock must be of professional quality. Each image will be evaluated by a reviewer. You can learn more about our review process here: How is content reviewed?
File types and sizes:
We accept EPS files that are no larger than 15MB and are compatible with Adobe Illustrator 8 or 10.
Step 1: Upload Your Content
Shutterstock offers two options for uploading your vector illustrations: via your web browser or via FTP.
Files can be uploaded directly from the Upload page in your account. Click on Upload at the top of your contributor account page and simply drag and drop files into the uploading window or select multiple files from your desktop.
 User-added image
In order to submit a vector for review, you will need to upload an EPS file together with a matching JPEG preview file. The JPEG preview must have the same name as the EPS file.

User-added image

You can also upload via FTP, learn about it here: How do I upload content via FTP?
Step 2: Tagging and Metadata
Once your vector illustrations have successfully uploaded you will need to enter titles, keywords, and categories. This information is known as metadata, and makes it possible for people to discover your photos. We’ve published some tips here: Maximize Your Visibility: Keyword and Title Best PracticesVector files will automatically be tagged as illustrations by our system.
Metadata can be added to multiple images at once by multi-selecting images, or using the Select All feature. Changes you make will apply to ALL selected images.
In this step, you can also add any of the following, if necessary:
Step 3: Submit Your Content
Once your content is prepared for Submission, click Select All at the top left of the Content Editor window and then click the Submit button. 
 User-added image
If you are not quite ready to submit at this time, you can click "Save Work" and save your uploaded content for submission at a later time. You have up to 21 days to submit uploaded content for review. If you do not submit your work to us within that timeframe, it will automatically be deleted from our servers.
After clicking Submit you may receive a message that some of the images contain errors. Please click "Continue” to go back to the Content Editor and correct each of the images that are marked in red.
User-added image
After you have entered any necessary corrections, select the images and click on "Submit for Review" again. This message is only a suggestion, so if you feel that you entered all the titles and keywords correctly, simply "Select: All" and click Submit again without entering any changes.
Once you have successfully submitted your vectors for review, you will see this message:
User-added image

Within a few hours of submission your submitted content will appear in the Content Overview section of your account page, under "clips and images waiting for review."
Once your content has been reviewed, you will receive an automated email from Shutterstock, notifying you of which images have been approved into your portfolio. It may take up to 72 hours for newly approved content to show up in your portfolio.

                                                                                         Copy of original from www.Shutterstock.com

